Buckle Up, Everyone

James Tarr
4 min readNov 4, 2020
Photo by Getty Images

I will never forgive the Democratic Party for putting me in the position of having to root for Joe Biden, a man who spent his entire political career undoing the safety net and creating the material conditions for a Donald Trump to capture the hearts and minds of abject lunatics and failing men everywhere (and some, I assume, are good people). I’m funny. Laugh at this, I’m very, very, funny.

But we aren’t here for people whom, in some instances and in swing states last time around, voted for Barack Obama TWO TIMES because they thought he might just have their economic interests at heart. Some people you can’t blame for embracing Donald Trump because the Democrats chronically fail to put forward compelling candidates at election time or implement good policies when they govern. I’m here for the Democratic Party leadership, you useless pack of galaxy brains with zero skin in the game.

But hey, at least this election is agonizingly close, that way Joe Biden’s promises of “nothing will fundamentally change” will come to fruition because he will have no mandate to do anything noteworthy. He’ll be expected to work with Republicans and he’ll pack the court but add an equal amount of liberals and conservatives, along with other weak sauce proposals, because the Democratic Party is captured by Josh Lyman and Jed Bartlett cosplayers. Seriously, you all need to find a new show. If you need a recommendation for a movie, I suggest something uplifting like Children of Men or Schindler’s List.

I’m also very excited for the Democratic establishment to force, yet again, the narrative that Biden went too far left and that’s why this election is a squeaker. That’s the great con of all time. Florida passed a $15/hour minimum wage by +60%, yet Biden lost the state. Raising wages and building the power of working people, Medicare for All, Green New Deal, offering pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and other progressive agenda items have huge margins of support amongst NORMAL PEOPLE across the political spectrum.

Democrats don’t support them because it’s become a political party captured — almost entirely — by business interests and wealthy donors, as well as aging Boomers who grew deeply accustomed to losing elections and still live in abject fear of Ronald Reagan. But here’s the catch: identity politics coupled with…



James Tarr

Writer observing the quirks of modern life in late-stage capitalism, and other uplifting subjects. These Troubled Days Available online and in retailers!